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At Elementrica, our people are at the heart of everything we do. Our expertise, dedication, and passion for cyber security drive us to deliver innovative solutions to protect our clients' digital assets.



At Elementrica, our people are at the heart of everything we do. Our expertise, dedication, and passion for cyber security drive us to deliver innovative solutions to protect our clients' digital assets.

IT Audit: The Key to Secure Information Systems

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IT audit is not just an audit procedure, it is a strategic tool that allows organizations to secure digital assets and optimize technology operations. In a world where the complexity of IT systems is growing as fast as the scale of digital threats, IT auditing appears to be an essential element to ensure business continuity and data protection. This article discusses what an IT security audit is, takes a closer look at its importance in maintaining the integrity and performance of IT systems, and explains how companies can use it to increase their resilience to cyber threats. We invite you to read more!

What is an IT security audit?

An IT security audit is a detailed assessment and analysis of an organization’s information systems in terms of the security of its data and IT infrastructure. Its goal is to identify potential threats, security gaps and vulnerabilities in systems and procedures that can be exploited for cyberattacks or other forms of security breaches. An IT audit includes several key elements:

  • Planning and reconnaissance: includes gathering network information, identifying potential entry points, and understanding the purpose, requirements and scope of an IT audit,
  • Security policy assessment: the IT audit verifies that the organization has adequate and up-to-date IT security systems and that they are properly implemented,
  • Risk analysis: risks associated with various aspects of IT operations are assessed, including risks associated with software, hardware, data and user behavior,
  • Penetration testing: simulated cyber-attacks are carried out to test the effectiveness of current security features and detect any weaknesses in security controls,
  • Regulatory compliance assessment: an information systems security auditor verifies that information systems comply with applicable data security regulations and standards,
  • Infrastructure and configuration review: an IT security audit includes reviewing network infrastructure, operating systems, databases and other technology components for security,
  • Incident management assessment: analysis of how to respond to security incidents and emergency procedures,
  • Recommendations and action plan: at the end of the audit, detailed recommendations are provided for security improvements and an action plan to correct the problems identified.

Audits can cover many areas of IT, including: physical resources, servers, computer networks, and complex software aspects of data maintenance and protection. It’s a comprehensive process that not only diagnoses the current state of security, but also provides insights into potential future threats. In this context, it becomes particularly important to capture both the physical and digital aspects of IT infrastructure.

What does an IT audit protect against?

An IT audit acts as a shield, protecting systems from a range of potential problems and threats that can have serious consequences for any company. What specific challenges and threats does an IT security audit protect against?

  • Cyber threats and hacking attacks: an IT audit helps identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks that can be exploited by cybercriminals. Regular audits increase an organization’s resilience against various types of attacks, such as malware, phishing, system intrusions, and ransomware attacks, which can cause service disruptions, financial losses, and consequently negatively affect a company’s reputation.
  • Data loss or leakage: audits allow to assess the effectiveness of data security, protecting against data loss, theft or unauthorized access. It includes protection of both stored and transmitted data.
  • Non-compliance with regulations and standards: IT audits help ensure compliance with data protection regulations, which protects organizations from financial and reputational penalties associated with breaches.
  • Internal errors and abuse: an audit can uncover errors in systems configuration or improper practices among employees that can lead to security problems.
  • Incident management issues: an IT security audit allows an organization’s readiness to respond to security incidents to be assessed, which is key to quick and effective crisis management.

Key stages of an IT security audit

At Elementrica, a wireless security audit begins with planning and scoping, during which requirements and purposes are analysed, and infrastructure and device information is gathered. It then moves on to the recognition and footprinting stage, which involves collecting network data such as SSIDs and access points. The next step is enumerating the wireless network, which includes identifying hosts and devices. This is followed by a vulnerability assessment, where infrastructure weaknesses are detected. Exploration and penetration tests are conducted to simulate attacks. Once access is gained, the attackers’ ability to escalate privileges is assessed. At the end, a report with recommendations is created, and after the recommendations are implemented, retesting and verification is carried out to ensure that safeguards have been improved.

In this process, penetration testing of the external network, penetration testing of the internal network, penetration testing of web applications and penetration testing of mobile applications are extremely important. They are the ones that identify security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. These tests are crucial in assessing how easily attackers can gain access to an organization’s network and data. This allows organizations to understand problems in security. derive risk management strategies and implement effective protection measures. In addition, the tests allow to verify the effectiveness of implemented security protocols and procedures, keeping the network and applications up to date with current threats and IT security best practices. Want to learn more? Get in touch with us! Our experts will answer all your questions and suggest a suitable IT security audit.


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